Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Raccoons & Opossums Really Like Me!

I came into work Tuesday morning to find my birdfeeder demolished, sadly tossed aside on the asphalt parking lot. My immediate response was who would want to destroy a birdfeeder and why. I was hurt and disillusioned at the type of human who would do such a thing. It didn't occur to me that something non human was at the heart of the matter. A friend stopped by to see me as I was lamenting over my broken feeder. I couldn't take my eyes off of the tangled, mangled feeder that I had placed on my desk. My friend matter-of-factly stated that it was probably a raccoon who was responsible. The proverbial lightbulb literally flashed over my head.

I was delighted to know that a passerby had not detroyed my property, but now I was perplexed as to how to resolve the issue of a four-legged creature stealing my birdseed and demolishing my feeder. Another lightbulb flashed, and I decided to do some research about the culprit.

I found a great article on raccoon and opossum control at I liked the solutions presented because nothing would be harmful to the animal. The best solution, however, was one I came up with myself. It is a simple solution and won't cost a dime! Have you guessed it yet? I will simply bring the birdfeeder inside every night and put it back out in the morning. Problem solved!

As for feeding the raccoons and opossums who love my bird seed...those pesky critters are all on their own!

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