Saturday, December 11, 2010

God Answers

A week ago, I awoke to feelings of fear and worry. As I was writing in my journal, I began to pray to God through my writing. Through this process, I really did hear an answer to my prayer.

Dear God, I need to focus on serving You to the best of my ability. You are God Almighty who was and is and is to come. Manificent Creator. Guardian of my heart, Healer and Comforter, the Great I Am. God who makes the wind to blow, the sun to rise and set, the warmth of a fire, the sound of a baby, the reassurance that life begins again as one fades, God who sent His Only Son to provide the way for forgiveness, salvation, reconcilation and eternity with Him instead of apart from my Creator. Praise You Lord God for Your Holy Presence who dwells among us. Your guidance, Your still small voice, hope when things seem hopeless. You provide the faith because I am too weak. Bless You, Lord God, bless Your Name. I lift Your Name, Jesus Christ, in my inner being, the center of my heart where You dwell. I life Your Name and worship You.

And, then God spoke to my heart--

Quit holding on so tightly to the things of this world.
I will provide for you.
Worry and doubt have no place in Your heart where I dwell.
Let faith and compassion lead you.
I will provide all that you need.
Take My Hand this day and walk where I lead.
You will not be afraid.
It's joy that I wish for you today.
Express happiness to those you encounter,
And You will received happiness in return.
Let go of old hurts and distrust,
it does not serve you well.
Replace it with gentleness and kindness.
I will flow through you.
You have no need to know what the future holds.
I have all in my control,
and will show you wonders beyond your imagination.
Enjoy the moment, every moment.
I made it just for you.
Today, lean totally on Me
and I will teach you the true meaning of faith.
It may seem hard,
but the goal is much greater than the toil.
My burden is easy
if you let me carry it for you.
When you walk in fear,
I can't fulfill all I need to do in your life.
But, if you will relinquish the fear,
I will fill you up to overflowing with creativity
and wealth of spirit.
Give me all of you
and I will restore your heart.
I am your God. 
I know you.
I hear you.
I love you.
Let me into your heart, mind, body and spirit.
I am the Alpha and Omega.
I am the one and only God.
The Great I Am.
The Everlasting Counselor.
God, the Father.
God, the Son.
God, the Holy Spirit.

As I pondered all that God had just spoken to my heart, I saw a vision: I saw my fear as a big ball of black ooze. I asked God to remove it from me, from all parts of me. I handed it over to God and it was as if it just exploded into light and dissipated.

I believe God heard me cry out to Him in fear. He answered me with a path for me to follow. I share this with anyone who might read this as encouragement. These words might be just for me, but if they speak to your heart, then I pray that you ask God to dwell in your heart and that He answers your prayers, too.

Praying Girl

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